Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to tell someone didn't watch the BC spring game

When you say something like what ESPN Insider/Blue Ribbon College Football Preview said, emphasis mine:

The competition between the two heated up in BC's spring game, in which both players [Marscovetra and Shinskie] excelled in a high-scoring contest.
They both excelled?  What spring game were you watching?


  1. Haha, that is hilarious I didn't even watch it and I know that is false (I would have gone to the Spring Game but was sick that day).

  2. After scanning the other BC blogs, EO, and Twitter (including the opinions of other ACC fans) that day, the consensus was that Shinskie was either the weakest or 2nd weakest of the 4 QBs. No visible improvement at all from last season (albeit in a small sample size). I don't mean to pick on the guy but I want BC to win as many games as possible, and he has yet to prove he's the man for the job. I'm all in favor of giving Marsco a shot if Shinskie keeps playing like that in September.

    Speaking of spring games, I only made it to 1 when I was at BC, so don't feel too bad.

  3. Clearly they don't understand the scoring system used in the game.
