Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Your tax dollars at work: Congress to meddle in the BCS

I swear, I have no idea why we, the American people, continue to elect to high public office the most small-minded amongst us from both political parties. The United States Congress, obviously bored with the economy, has decided to hold hearings on college football's BCS system in hopes of seeing it dismantled.

Look, I think the BCS sucks too. I think most college football fans think the BCS sucks. But do we really need the federal government indirectly legislating for a college football playoff system? The idea is that Congress would pressure the NCAA into instituting a playoff without actually making them do it in plain English. This is astoundingly stupid, but most things that come out of Washington DC are nowadays.

We live in a society where government is way too damn big. Do we really need them messing around in our sports? Simply put, this issue is really none of Congress' business. I suppose the positive is that it will distract them for a little while from screwing up more important matters.

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